sábado, 7 de novembro de 2015

                           ACT ONE, SCENE ONE

KING EDWARD: Well, Mortimer, I'll make thee rue these words.
Beseems it thee to contradict thy king?
Frown'st thou thereat, aspiring Lancaster?
The sword shall plane the furrows of thy browns,
And hew these knees that now are grown so stiff.
I will have Gaveston; and you shall know
what danger 'tis to stand against your king.
GAVESTON (aside) : Well done, Ned!
LANCASTER: My lord, why do you thus incense your peers,
That naturally would love and honour you,
But for that base and obscure Gaveston?
Four earldoms have I, besides Lancaster, -
Derby, Salisbury, Lincoln, Leicester;
These will I sell, to give my soldiers pay,
Ere Gaveston shall stay within the realm,
Therefore, if he be come, expel him straight.
KENT : Barons and earls, your pride hath made me mute
But now, I'll speak, and to the proof, I hope,
I do remember, in my father's days,
Lord Percy of the North, being highly mov'd,
Brav'd Mowberay in presence of the kinf;
Brother, revenge it! And let these their heads
Preach upon poles, for trespass of their tongues!
WARWICK: O, our heads!
KING EDWARD: Ay, yours! And Therefore I would wish you grant...
KING EDWARD: I cannot brook these haughty menaces;
Am I a king, and must be over-rul'd?
Brother, display my ensigns in the field;
I'll bandy with the barons and the earls,
And either die, or live with Gaveston.
GAVESTON: I can no longer keep me from my lord.  (come forward).
KING EDWARD: What, Gaveston! Welcome! Kiss not my hand
Embrace me, Gaveston, as I do thee.
Why shouldst thou kneel? Know'st thou not who I am?
Thy friend, thyself, another Gaveston!
Not Hylas was more mourned of Hercules
Than thou hast been of me since thy exile.
GAVESTON: And since I went from hence, no soul in hell
Hath felt more torment than poor Gaveston.
KING EDWARD: I know it. Brother, welcome home my friend.
Now let the tracherous Mortimers conspire,
And that high-minded Earl of Lancaster;
I have my wish, in that I joy thy sight;
GAVESTON: It shall suffice me to enjoy your love;
Which whiles I have, I think myself as great
As Ceaser riding in the Roman street,
With captive kings at his triumphant car.

  Marlowe, Christopher. The Complete Plays. London: Penguin Books, 1986, pp 438 - 440.
( Nota - o termo "brother" aparece sempre como grau de parentesco, e nunca referindo um qualquer relacionamento amistoso, já que Eduardo II e Lord Kent eram irmãos).